Monday 17 April 2023

What are some mind-blowing technologies that most people don't know about?


Beyond Science Fiction: The Incredible Technologies of Today and Tomorrow

Discover Mind-blowing  technologies from OLED TVs as thin as wallpaper to contact lenses that exist but many of us do not know about them. Explore the potential of infrared light, super suits, 3D organ printing, and more. Learn how these technologies are transforming our lives, and what the future may hold.

Tv with an OLED display that is as thin as wallpaper

There are currently OLED TVs to be had in the marketplace which might be as skinny as wallpaper. OLED (organic mild-emitting diode) shows are known for his or her thinness and flexibility, which makes it viable to create TVs which are extraordinarily thin and lightweight.

One example of a TV with an OLED display that is as thin as wallpaper is LG's OLED W Series. The W Series features a "wallpaper" design that lets in the TV to be established flush against the wall, giving the arrival of a window in preference to a TV. The panel is just zero.15 inches (3.8mm) thick and is hooked up to a separate electronics field that houses the TV's inputs and processing energy.

Contact lenses that can record video

Sony has reportedly been operating on developing Smart contact lenses that are geared up with cameras able to record and store regardless of the user sees. These lenses would be able to capture pictures and videos in actual-time and play them back for the person. The era at the back of those lenses entails the usage of photograph sensors and other additives which can be small enough to fit into a contact lens. While Sony has now not yet introduced any plans for commercializing this technology, it has sparked interest amongst tech lovers and raised questions on the consequences for privacy and surveillance.

Stuff to inject in a bullet wound to immediately stop bleeding

XSTAT is a type of wound treatment that is designed to quickly and effectively control hemorrhage from penetrating wounds. Unlike traditional methods such as manual compression or tourniquets, XSTAT is an injectable treatment that can be applied in seconds and stops bleeding immediately. The treatment consists of small, expandable sponges that are injected into the wound, where they expand and apply pressure to the surrounding tissue to stop bleeding. The intuitive applicator makes it easy to learn and use, even in high-stress situations. XSTAT has been used successfully in military and emergency medical settings, and it has been credited with saving lives in situations where other methods of hemorrhage control have failed.

Infrared light used to find veins instantly

Infrared light is sometimes used in medical settings to help healthcare professionals locate veins more easily. This is typically done using a handheld device that emits infrared light, which penetrates the skin and highlights the veins underneath. The device works by detecting the difference in absorption of infrared light between veins and surrounding tissue. 

The result is a real-time image of the veins, which can help guide the placement of needles or catheters for procedures such as blood draws or IV insertion. The use of infrared light for vein location can be particularly helpful in patients with difficult veins, such as those who are elderly, obese, or have a history of drug use. This technology is generally safe and non-invasive, and it has been shown to improve the success rate and reduce the time required for certain medical procedures.

Smart Dining Table 

A smart dining table is a table that is equipped with sensors and software that can analyze objects placed on its surface. This technology is designed to give users information about the food they are eating, as well as kitchen gadgets and other objects they may be using. For example, the table might be able to recognize a particular type of food and provide nutritional information, cooking tips, or recipe suggestions. It might also be able to identify kitchen tools and provide usage instructions or maintenance tips. 

The smart dining table can be a useful tool for people who are interested in monitoring their diet, improving their cooking skills, or simply learning more about the food they eat. The technology behind the smart dining table is still in development, but it has the potential to transform the way we interact with our food and kitchen tools.

Ring that allows you to control any and all technologies

A ring that allows you to control various technologies is a type of wearable technology that uses gesture recognition and other sensors to interact with smart devices. The ring can be programmed to control a wide range of devices, including lights, thermostats, TVs, and other electronics. To use the ring, the user simply makes a gesture with their hand, such as a wave or a swipe, which is recognized by the sensors in the device. The gesture is then translated into a command that is sent to the smart device, allowing the user to control it without needing to touch a physical remote or switch. This technology can be particularly useful for people with mobility impairments or for those who want a more convenient way to control their home automation systems. There are several companies currently working on developing this type of wearable technology, and it is expected to become more widely available in the coming years.

3D organ and House printing 

3D organ printing and 3D house printing are two emerging technologies that have the potential to transform their respective fields.

3D organ printing involves using specialized 3D printers to create functional human organs using living cells. The technology works by layering cells in a specific pattern to create a three-dimensional structure that can be implanted into the body. This has the potential to revolutionize the field of organ transplantation, as it could potentially eliminate the need for organ donors and reduce the risk of rejection. However, this technology is still in the early stages of development and there are significant challenges that need to be overcome, such as the need for a reliable supply of living cells and the complex process of integrating the printed organs into the body.

3D house printing involves using large-scale 3D printers to create entire houses or building components. The technology works by using a digital model of the structure and printing it layer by layer using a variety of materials such as concrete, plastic, or metal. This has the potential to significantly reduce the time and cost of building construction, as well as increase the precision and customization of the final product. 3D house printing has already been used to build a number of structures around the world, including homes, apartments, and commercial buildings. However, there are still limitations to the technology, such as the need for large-scale 3D printers and the need for new building codes and regulations to accommodate this type of construction.

Besides there are gloves that allow you to type on any surface without a keyboard. Moreover, there are super suits that allow humans to lift very heavy things very easily,paint that allows you to capture solar energy, and guns capable of stopping you from talking. When pointed at people it sends the person’s voice back with some delay. As the brain is not able to compensate for the delay, the person will stop talking.

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