Sunday 9 April 2023

I A Wrote Book ‘’Roblox World: A Quest for Heroes’’ Using CHATGPT (free version)


You can find PDF file attached at the End of This Article 

ChatGPT is a sensation- everyone was talking about using CHAT GPT to write a book, publish it online and earn money. Though, I didn’t publish it on any platform like Amazon Kindle ( i would suggest it if you want). However, with a little effort it turns out to be a good read for kids. Meanwhile, if you are a writer and want to publish your own book but are struggling to write it, ChatGPT is a good option. 

However, to publish a high quality book, you must know how to give the right instructions to ChatGPT and also edit your work before publishing. No matter how perfect it looks, it always has the sparks of A-Written work. It’s not as simple as it looks. 

If you are not able to provide the right prompts, you might not get what is needed. Besides, after completing your work, you can use other apps to get the perfect illustrations for your book that will add more attraction. Without graphics, it sometimes  looks boring. 

Being said, I encourage you guys to write out new AI applications and learn these amazing skills. You might need to master the skill to talk to Artificial Intelligence. 

Here is the PDF File of The BOOK : Roblox World: A Quest for Heroes

Also, suggest to me if I should publish it?  

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