Wednesday 5 April 2023

"Put some sunscreen on’’ Hugh Jackman


Australian actor Hugh Jackman is known for his iconic role as Wolverine in Marvel's X-Men franchise. In a recent Instagram video, the actor is seen with a plaster on his nose, urging his followers to wear sunscreen and protect themselves from the sun.

Growing up in Australia, Hugh admits that he never cared about sunscreen protection. "Being an Australian, it's a very common thing. I never wore sunscreen growing up so I was a prime candidate for it," he said. However, after going through a skin cancer test, his doctor spotted irregularities that could be basal cells (carcinoma), and he is still waiting for the test results.

This is not the first time Hugh has had to deal with skin cancer. In 2013, he had cancerous growth removed from his nose. He has received treatment for basal cell carcinoma several times since then. Although he reassures his followers that "basal cells, in the world of skin cancers, is the least dangerous of them all," it's still important to take preventive measures.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer and usually appears on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, and arms. While BCC rarely spreads to other parts of the body, if left untreated, it can grow deep into surrounding tissue, causing disfigurement or loss of function.

Hugh's message is clear: wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's harmful UV rays. "Put some sunscreen on. You'll still have an incredible time out there, all right. Please be safe," he urged. Don't take chances with your skin – a little bit of sunscreen can go a long way in preventing skin cancer. So, stay safe and don't forget to wear sunscreen every time you head out into the sun.

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