Monday 10 April 2023

First AI PodCast Called “Dudesy”Personating Tom Brady


An Hour-long standup Comedy special By Artificial Intelligence - terrifying insights

For the first time, an AI podcast is being produced using AI as host for hour-long standup comedy personating famous footballer Tom Brady. He is an American footballer. who has won seven Super Bowl championships, more than any other player in NFL history. What’s fascinating is that  in his interviews, he comes across as a reserved and guarded person choosing words carefully. But the AI Tom Brady can be seen using funny words, making jokes about his personal life dating models. 

The show, named Dudesy, is hosted by longtime friends Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen. A tech company approached Sasso and Kultgen with the idea of reformatting their shows around a bot. The bot is part of the show performing, and producing. Previously, Sasso and Kultgen have co-hosted Ten Minute Podcast for years. 

What’s terrifying about an AI host is that it gathers information from emails, texts, social media accounts, browsing history and even purchase records. Which means Dudesy or similar AI can create content using voices, leaving actual humans ignorant of the process. The human host Sasso believes AI can use Tom Brady’s voice in the future as well which is scary.  

In the beginning there is an introduction of how they come up with an hour comedy show. They have created from Tom Brady interviews and hundreds of other stand up comedy shows to generate the first simulated hour-long standup special. 

However, Kultgen says there are moments when Brady sounds too robotic. He said, ‘’ “It has this bit where he’s talking about money.And he just lists like 100 fucking slang terms for money, machine gun-style.”

Sasso says,

“I would hate it in 15 years for there to be a standup comedian named AI Smith who has specials like Every Dick Joke, Ever,” 

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