Monday 3 April 2023

Born or Made? Understanding If You Have an Entrepreneurial Personality


What are the Signs of an Entrepreneurial Spirit? How to Determine If You Have What it takes

Recognizing entrepreneurial traits and signs can lead to life-changing opportunities. Some signs that indicate an entrepreneurial spirit include being hard-working, creative, a good communicator, passionate, a self-starter, a risk-taker, having strong work ethic and discipline, being a problem solver, and seeking new challenges while creating opportunities for others.

Entrepreneurs are just like common people who have discovered their abilities and how to spend their lives.

Discovering your entrepreneurial traits may take time, but it is not difficult. If you are struggling with career choices and decision-making, this article can help you understand if you have an entrepreneurial spirit.

The Top Traits and Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

In today's world of entrepreneurship, successful entrepreneurs portray a few of the key personality traits and hold on to these traits. Though not every entrepreneur has all the traits, the presence of a few of the characteristics helps them in making successful businesses. 

For instance, Bill Gate never knew at his young age that he could make a great entrepreneur, however, once he figured it out, he said, 

 ”if I had a dollar for every time someone made fun of me in high school- oh, wait. I do"

His lack of fame and unimpressive personality, coupled with being bullied at school, may have initially hindered his success. However, he managed to transform himself through self-awareness and hard work, proving that anyone can achieve success if they recognize their capabilities and worth.

Here are a few common traits shared by entrepreneurs that you might observe in yourself; 

Demonstrate strong work ethics

 Entrepreneurs demonstrate a strong work ethic and uphold their company's goals and values. This involves recognizing the importance of hard work and having a strong desire to achieve one's objectives. If you share these beliefs and possess qualities like honesty and self-discipline, you can confidently say, "I am an entrepreneur" and strive towards your goals. Some essential elements of a strong work ethic include:

  1. Integrity at work 
  2.  Discipline
  3. productivity 
  4. Fair and respect
  5. Responsible and accountable
  6. Organizational skill
  7. Attitude and appearance 
  8. Honesty with yourself, with people and with your work

Entrepreneurs with these strong work ethics and values succeed in ventures they start.

Entrepreneurs are driven by financial rewards

While getting rich may not be the primary motivation for entrepreneurship, it's undeniable that financial independence is an important aspect of it. Entrepreneurs strive for autonomy and wealth, and there's nothing wrong with that. Building a business can lead to financial independence and create opportunities for others.

 Therefore, entrepreneurs are driven by financial rewards. However, you must understand that in the process of earning money do not lose your work ethic and values. As there is a saying  

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.” 

Keeping money in your head, you earn money using given resources but if you keep money in your heart, you will lose the ability to show empathy with others.

Entrepreneurs are exceptionally self-aware people 

Famous entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk says, 

“I suck at 99 percent of the stuff, but I go all out on that 1 percent I'm good at." 

Self-awareness is a crucial trait for entrepreneurs as it allows them to develop an authentic personal brand and perceive others' strengths to align them with the business. Additionally, self-awareness enables entrepreneurs to adapt and improve quickly, providing ample opportunities for self-improvement.

Two young CEOs Boris Polentan (CEO Buzzbox) and Suraj Vaghijiani (CEO Wrappli) advise younger entrepreneurs to begin their day by meeting "Yourself". 

Start your day with gratitude and appreciate your blessings. Morning yoga and meditation can help you remove all the negativity that blocks you from achieving your goals and put your mind in the right direction and also help you to explore your strengths and weaknesses. 

Entrepreneurs have Effective Communication Skills 

Effective communication is a key trait of successful entrepreneurs. They possess the ability to communicate with their team, manage difficult conversations, and always maintain respect in every situation. Moreover, they know how to connect with their audience, make them feel valued, and understood. The top communication skills of entrepreneurs include:

  • Friendliness 
  • Sharing constructive feedback
  • Volume and clarity
  • Empathy and respect
  • Complete and courteous 

Besides, communication skills can be developed and improved through practice. If you are a good communicator, you can make a better team. 

 Problem- solver 

Entrepreneurs use their innovative and creative abilities to offer solutions to various problems and establish ventures that explore opportunities. However, it's a common misconception that entrepreneurs find success solely based on their natural talents. In reality, they go through a process of identifying problems, exploring various solutions, facing both failures and successes.

Successful entrepreneurs often start their ventures to provide solutions to problems they or people around them face. For instance, Airbnb's founders, Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky, identified two different problems in the same business and found it challenging to rent rooms in New York. They solved this problem by identifying it, not by simply coming up with an idea out of the blue. If you enjoy solving problems for others and making things easier for people in your surroundings, you may have entrepreneurial abilities.

Passionate about their work 

Entrepreneurs are often viewed as individuals who are deeply passionate about their work, and who are willing to go above and beyond in order to achieve their goals. They are known for being highly motivated and driven, and for dedicating long hours to their businesses.

However, there is a common misconception that entrepreneurs lead a luxurious lifestyle and work only when they feel like it. While entrepreneurs may have more flexibility in their schedules, they typically work harder and put in more effort than those who work for others.

At the core of an entrepreneur's drive and work ethic is their passion for what they do. They find happiness in pursuing their goals and don't feel drained by the hard work they put in. If you share this passion for something, it may be worth exploring the possibility of building a business around it.

Entrepreneurs know how to do smart work and Hard Work 

Hard work and smart work go hand in hand when it comes to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs work tirelessly to establish their businesses, but as their businesses grow, they learn to work more efficiently and effectively. They prioritize their tasks, delegate responsibilities, and streamline processes to maximize productivity.

This enables them to achieve their goals and objectives in a shorter time span while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So, it's not just about working hard, but also about working smart.

Adapt to change 

Entrepreneurs can quickly adapt to changing market trends, consumer demands, and technological advancements to stay relevant and competitive. They are always looking for ways to improve their products or services to meet the changing needs of their customers.

 They also recognize the importance of being flexible and agile in their approach to business, allowing them to pivot quickly when necessary. This ability to adapt to change is crucial for the long-term success of any business, and it is a key trait of successful entrepreneurs.

A few of the biggest tech companies include Apple, Samsung, Alphabet, Microsoft, Huawei, Sony, Dell, Amazon, Facebook, google. Furthermore, technology influences overall business all over the globe. 

If you are someone willing to break habits, pose an elastic nature, face challenges and politely proceed forward. Furthermore, consistently focusing on improvement, you have this trait of adaptation. 

Risk takers and not afraid of failures

Successful entrepreneurs take calculated risks and evaluate potential outcomes before making decisions. It's important to weigh the potential rewards against the potential risks, and to have a plan in place to mitigate any negative consequences. Being able to take risks and handle uncertainty is a crucial trait for entrepreneurs, but it's also important to be strategic and thoughtful in your approach.

Getting to know yourself; ask these four questions 

There are unpleasant truths about launching a company or being an entrepreneur, four essential questions you should ask yourself if you are seriously considering entrepreneurship or starting a business.

Can I work without getting paid?

Until you raise money, you have to pay for your company, which also means you will be working without getting paid and 99 percent chances are that you are risking the capital that you invest in your business.

Initially, instead of receiving a cheques for your efforts, you will be writing off a cheques for your firm expenses. 

Am I comfortable with public failure? 

Most of our failures are private, not many people know about them such as not being able to go to medical college or failing to get a job. Only people in our close boundaries know all of this. However, there is no secret to your business failure. It's the whole market, customers, audience, investors and everyone you interact with would be knowing about your failure.

Some of it might make it feel a bit uncomfortable, ask yourself if you can hold on to your anger and be patient with that.

Do I like selling?

It isn't about selling a product, it's about selling your ideas, thoughts or having convincing power because a lot of the time you will be dealing with people making them understand whether it's your client or your employees or potential future customers. Therefore, ask yourself if you can sell (service, product, and idea) or anything. 

Do I have a high-risk tolerance?

High-risk tolerance or aggressive investors means you are willing to risk losing money to get better results. You can increase your risk tolerance through income diversification, change in attitude, understanding investment and short-term saving.

Use resources for self-assessment

You can go online and assess yourself with entrepreneurial potential self-assessments that are available to assess you with questions. 

Here are a few;


  • The PAVF assessment
  •  The Strengths finder 2.0 assessment
  •  The Entrepreneur education
  •  And The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 

Besides the above-mentioned assessment, there are thousands of others available on different platforms. Furthermore, you can do experiments to check how you react to certain situations, how you make decisions and what your work ethic is. 

Key Take Aways

Entrepreneurship is often romanticized in the media and society, with the focus on the success stories of famous entrepreneurs who dropped out of college and achieved great success. However, the reality of entrepreneurship is far from glamorous, with risks, failures, and struggles being a common occurrence.

Before deciding to embark on the path of entrepreneurship, it is important to reflect on your personality, traits, and character. This will help you make realistic decisions, identify areas for improvement, and leverage your strengths.

We encourage you to continue exploring business ventures and ideas while also seeking inspiration from successful entrepreneurs. Remember to adapt positive experiences and habits of others and learn from their mistakes. Stay tuned to our articles for more information on entrepreneurship and how to develop the traits and characteristics needed for success.

You may also like reading : Google Lime Scholarship for Differently Able people 

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