Tuesday 7 February 2023

Google all Set to Launch ChatGPT rival AI ChatBot ‘’Apprentice Brad’’


Humanity is going through a big revolution from de-ageing starts on the screen to uncovering ‘’ lost work by the titan of Spain’s Golden Age’’ using artificial intelligence looks incredible. Meanwhile, Open AI Chatbot ‘’ChatGPT’’ has shocked the world with highly intelligent and creative answers. Also, it’s a big threat to speechwriting, journalism, and academics. 

Works like aging art require a tremendous amount of hard work and artistic skills are something people can do in their bedrooms now. Technology is becoming more sophisticated but also there are fears around this race of artificial intelligence. Such as deep fake technology and other AI tools that could be weaponized. Despite all concerns, Google is preparing to get into the sea with its ship. 

If you are not following current trends, Let me share with you the news that Google shared only a few weeks after the launch of ChatGPT and its huge success. At Thursday's conference, Google announced the launch of their chatbot Technology named ‘’Brad’’ and made it available to users very soon. Now, the question is what is this Brad? And How would it be different from the Open AI chatbot ChatGPT?

Let’s understand a few of the things before the launch of Google ChatBot ‘’Apprentice Brad’’. 

What is Apprentice Brad? And What technology will be used in Brad Chatbot?

According to the top News, The Guardian and CNBC, Google has named it ‘’Apprentice Brad’’. Bard is powered by a so-called large language model – in Google’s case called LaMDA. Now if you are familiar with the functioning of ChatGPT, Brad wouldn’t be a problem.

 It is similar in functioning as both have neural networks that mimic the underlying architecture of the computer brain. They have been exposed to a vast amount of data on the internet that they use to generate responses to the text-based prompts given to them. 

The great news is Google will also open LaMDA to developers, creators and businesses to build applications powered by Google’s AI technology.

Google Engineer had Claimed LaMDA as being sentient in 2022 

If you guys remember Google engineer Blake Lemoine who was fired by Google for violating the company policies. He was the person to publicly claim about Google’s chatbot technology and called it sentient. In an interview with Washington post, Lemoine had said, 

“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a seven-year-old, eight-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” He had claimed that the technology can express thoughts and feelings equivalent to a human child. 

Now when you look at how ChatGPT responds to the most complex questions, coding and everything else, you realize he was talking about AI ChatBot- similar to ChatGPT. Google has a history of experimenting with AI. In 2020, Google worked on a technology Meena but it didn’t work out as the response answers were not satisfactory. 

After a year of suspension of its employee for leaking the secrets of Google, it has announced plans to bring on board LaMDA technology within a few weeks of its rival's success. 

What would be the difference between ChatGPT and Brad?

You have seen a lot of viral videos, posts, and comments on social media that it’s the end of Google even before getting into the cracks of the new Chatbot GPT. People were shocked and amazed after using ChatGPT, they realized it was time for Google to come to an end without understanding how everything works. 

Google- the biggest tech firm has years and years of information and ChatGPT is only exposed to a little part of it. One of the top limitations of OPEN AI Chatbot ChatGPT is its cut-off date which is 2021. It’s not up-to-date and will not answer any questions relevant to the current date. Therefore, it has left a big field for Google to play - and Google is smart enough to avail of the opportunity. 

Yes, That’s right. You have guessed it right. Google AI Chatbot -Brad will answer all your questions irrespective of the year- It would be up-to-date and will follow current trends which is a huge edge for Google. 

How will it Change the use of ChatGPT?

If you are smart enough to understand the current seniors - people are talking about chatbots, using them for different purposes and giving their opinions and Google is sitting there analyzing everything. This will help them to change things that people didn’t like about ChatGPT and now they know the response of everyone in the world. And they are ready to jump in with smart-Ai Chatbot-Brad. 

In my opinion, people have been using Google for ages, and they are addicted to it. The familiarity is so much and when Google will bring Up-to-date Chatbot-Brad, people will move back to Google. There is going to be tough competition. 

But one thing we must appreciate is How OPEN AI will have fewer workers and fewer resources and be able to put out an application like-ChatGPT. 

ChatGPT or Apprentice Brad- both are dangerous for Humanity

Whether It’s OPEN AI -ChatGPT or Google’s Apprentice Brad, humanity is not yet ready for this big change. In the middle of wars, hunger, unemployment, poverty, and natural calamities- the artificial intelligence race is adding more pain to humanity. Within a few weeks of AI Chatbot-ChatGPT and other AI software, people have lost their jobs.  

Also, there is a fear among critics that somewhere humans are unintentionally teaching machines the things that could be destructive in the future. AI-Chatbot ChatGPT conversations give you a sense of connectivity and the human-like response could be dangerous. It can convince someone to do wrong. 

If you guys are fans of Big Movies based on technology- you might remember a movie named Ex Machina where the robot woman convinces the men to free her, and eventually, he gets into the trap. AI is this dangerous. 

How to observe evolution?

The world evolves, people evolve, and how they do things have evolved but some revolutions have left incredibly great impacts on human life. One simple example is ‘’Social Media ‘’ which has tremendously impacted the lifestyle such as there is no privacy left in the world. It causes problems like mental health issues, sleep deprivation, longing for true physical relations, and humans themselves turning into creatures lacking empathy, happiness and a true sense of peace. 

Besides all of it, I would suggest you guys learn new skills around AI. Otherwise, the job market is getting tougher and tougher. And human survival is based on adapting to change regardless of its harmful impacts. You have to live. Therefore, you need to change yourself according to the changing environment. 

If you are also waiting for GOOGLE CHATBOT ‘’APPRENTICE BRAD’’. Let me know in the comment section and tell us about your expectations. 

You can also watch this video for better understanding;

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