Wednesday 8 February 2023

Conversing with ChatGPT: Mastering the Art of AI Communication

Mastering the Art of Communication is now shifted to ‘’Mastering the Art of AI Communication. Since AI is taking over most of the work such as copywriting, voiceover, coding and other tasks but in the whole process human communication remains constant but keeping artificial intelligence as their target. Humans need to learn how to communicate with AI -for example with ChatGPT. 

If you go on youtube, social media or any freelance platform you will experience content relevant to AI Communication. For example, Writing prompts for ChatGPT are getting popular across freelance platforms. It’s a whole new experience for everyone -especially for people who have been in the business of writing, coding, programming and videography. 

Let’s leave all the details and get into the topic of how to converse with ChatGPT and Master the Art of AI Communication. 

Conversation with Artificial Intelligence ChatBot ChatGPT

If you are the one who has already started using ‘’ChatGPT’’ you must be familiar with different features and get an idea of how to use it. For those of you who haven’t been on ChatGPT- I would suggest you go and experience this new and incredible artificial intelligence Chatbot. You must know how to use it because Google is also preparing to Launch its own ChatBot ‘’Apprentice Brad. 

 You can check out my previous article on’’ Google ChatBot Apprentice Brad’’.

Start conversing with AI Chatbot ChatGPT professionally using it for productive purposes but also I would suggest students not use it for cheating purposes that are ethically wrong and will harm your creation and creativity. 

Not everyone is great at conversations- people often get stuck in giving simple instructions in words or don't find the right words to express what they want. If you think you have incredible conversation skills and know how to give instructions clearly and specifically. Cash it now. 

You can use any freelance platform such as fiver, Upwork or guru to attract customers and provide prompts to help businesses get what they want in a short time. 

AI ChatBot ChatGPT prompts are used to communicate with AI. Let’s understand what we mean by AI language. 

What is Prompt? How to Create a Prompt for ChatGPT?

I asked this question from ChatGPT, And here is the answer in the video, which you can find below;

You can see in the response ChatGPT made it clear that your prompt must be clear. Even a single spelling mistake can change the whole answer. You may not get what you wanted in the first place. 

If you are not good at creating prompts, you can hire someone to do it for you. Go on Fiverr (A freelance platform) that has created a separate page for ChatGPT-Artificial Intelligence. 

Be mindful and follow updates about Artificial Intelligence Tools 

I am sharing my personal experience with you guys, and I know some people are too quick to jump into things without knowing how it functions and what could be a limitation. 

For the first time I use ChatGPT, I use it without reading the first homepage instructions that include;


Once you read them you properly understand what you can ask, how you can ask and what to expect. Also, follow the latest changes and trends so that you can be aware of the features additions or subtractions. For example, it has mentioned ‘’Limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021’’.

If you are someone looking for the latest information then you might not go back to ChatGPT and waste your time. If you do not understand this simple instruction, you will keep going to the page asking about the latest trends, though your answer will be denied. 

Opportunity to Earn Money using ChatGPT 

ChatGPT has changed tons of things that humans use to do. It has made things much easier and has had a great impact on the job market. However, it also has brought opportunities for people who know how to unveil opportunities around the latest trends. 

One example is using ChatGPT, you can write a script for your youtube channel and do it quickly. Or using AI you can create a complete blog. But remember that you need to edit it before pasting it and passing it through copy scan. 

The Rest we will leave for you guys to explore, and let us know what amazing things you can do using ChatGPT. Remember, ChatGPT is just a prototype preparing you for the biggest AI transformation in the race of Artificial Intelligence. So use it mindfully and smartly to get the most benefit out of it. 

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