Monday 20 March 2023

Technology under your skin :Swedes Implanting Microchips for Convenience


Chip that touch your hand, heart, brain and the rest of your body

It’s beyond facial recognition, tracking of our locations, our driving habits, our spending histories, and even beyond ownership of your data, it’s a chip under your Skin. Technology that you carry within you. It’s part of who you are. 

You may not believe it but thousands of people in Sweden are injecting microchips into their hands. These chips are designed to speed up the customer's daily routine. Few years ago, we weren’t ready to accept that this could happen. 

Prof. Ahmed Banafa. IoT, Blockchain, AI Expert says, 

“As a sensor, the chip touches upon your hand, your heart, your brain and the rest of your body —literally. This new development is set to give a quite different meaning to ‘hacking the body’ or biohacking.”

One day we don't have to go around with our phones in hand, or headphones, or computers. Now it is becoming a reality. Latest innovations in technology have led to the achievement of the virtual world. Things are changing pretty quickly. If you do not update yourself with the changing nature of technology, chances are you may get stuck on your way. 

Get rid of keys, loyalty tokens, money and access cards

Biohax International is a leading provider of the service in Sweden. The company produces these chips to help the users access their homes, offices, and gyms. The users do not have to go around holding keys or losing them as it’s quite easy to swipe your hand and open the door rather than having keys in your pocket. It is also said that the chips can carry financial transactions and access to information. 

It’s a bit scary as well as surprising to inject something in your body that has all the information. It’s a tiny chip and doesn’t take alot of space. According to the company it doesn't require updates like other softwares. 

The company says, ‘’Get rid of keys, loyalty tokens, money and access cards. Like Swedish railways, Epicenter Stockholm, TUI Nordics, Mindshare and others have adopted our tech and customized their digital ecosystem to suit their needs.’’

Do we need to worry about it? Yes, It can help steal individual identity , freedom and access to everything that we can imagine. 

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