Friday 17 March 2023

Strategies for Managing Unemployment and Finding your Next Opportunity

Until, You find your Next Big Opportunity, Grow Yourself

The job search process can be a very challenging journey, which can take a toll on one’s emotional well-being. Sending out resumes, travel expenses to interview places, and receiving rejection can be demoralizing and at the same time quite frustrating.

Additionally, a continuous inquiry by friends, family and relatives about jobs would add more to it. Many of us feel disappointed, and lose our sense of identity and self-esteem. It creates a sense of helplessness and hopelessness for many. It’s very important to find motivation, and courage to continue with life and seek support from professional resources to manage emotional health. 

So let’s discuss the things you should do as a potential job seeker. 

Take online free courses 

If you have a laptop, mobile phone or either desktop use it for your professional development. Rather than wasting your time ‘’Damscrolling’’ through social media. Though it’s a source of information, and awareness if you are consuming the right information that rarely happens. Even if you are consuming information relevant to your profession, you may get lost in useless and irrelevant content. 

Therefore, it is advisable to use the right platforms for learning purposes such as Coursera, TedEx, or youtube as well. But one of the best approaches to learning is both ways. Coursera allows you to take courses with the top professional lecturers, and have proper content created with assignments that keep you active. 

Meanwhile, youtube does have the best channels for learning but there are distractions as well. It is not possible to not watch any other video while scrolling through for your relevant channel. Distractions are everywhere these days. 

I would suggest Coursera - as you can also use your phone to enrol and take classes. Further, you don't always have to pay. You can audit any course which means you can enrol without getting any certificate. Or if you want you can apply for financial aid as well. 

Transform Your Professional Development with Positive Habits

In the days of unemployment, we tend to become lazy. We sleep more or engage in activities which aren't useful for us in any way. It is important to keep track of your habits and behaviour. Since we get enough free time, it is best to use that time to change our habits. 

We can learn, unlearn things and adopt positive habits such as getting up early in the morning, going for a walk, keeping a diary or gardening. 

These habits not only help you manage your emotions but also help to build a great connection with yourself. Being on the job, it is difficult to do normal things and be with nature. However, during your free time, you can be the best of yourself. 

Also, these habits help in time management which is very important in professional life. One day when you go back to the office, you don’t have to deal with getting up late or being late for the office. 

Learn New skills or polish your skills 

Staying away from things for a longer period can make it difficult for you to come back to those things in the future. Be in practice. 

Let’s suppose, it’s part of your professional skill to have a strong grip on MS Excel or you are in programming and have to use Programming languages such as mySQL, Oracle etc. If you are not in practice, chances are you will forget them. 

Therefore, always practice, and try to learn new skills such as machine learning. Artificial Intelligence, writing etc 

Last but not the least follow these tips, and adopt a few of them and practice them everyday, you will feel motivated and positive. 

  • Read at least one article or book related to your industry every day.
  • Attend networking events or virtual conferences to make new connections and stay up-to-date on industry trends.
  • Develop a new skill by taking online courses or attending workshops.
  • Volunteer in your community or for a non-profit organization to gain experience and expand your network.
  • Create a daily or weekly schedule to prioritize your professional development activities.
  • Set achievable goals for your professional growth and track your progress.
  • Join professional organizations or online communities to connect with others in your field.
  • Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to build your professional brand and connect with potential employers or clients.
  • Seek out a mentor or coach who can provide guidance and support for your professional development.
  • Practice self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

Let us know in the comment Box, How are you dealing with employment?

You may like to read : Top AI-Powered Resumes That Will Get You The Interview


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